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Preschool: 18 months - 4 years

45 minute class


Our preschool gymnastics classes are specifically designed on a foundation of safety and fun. This program is for children ages 18 months to 4 years old. We a separated gym area for the preschoolers. Their equipment is built specifically for them. This program promotes the development of motor skills, listening, fitness, and multiple social skills such as taking turns.


Toddling Toucans and You: 18 months (and walking) - 2 years


This is a class made specifically for your little ones. This class is centered around age-appropriate developmental movements using special, tot-sized equipment. Our toucans work on color recognition, balance, and coordination while making new friends! We place a strong emphasis on socialization skills and parent involvement. We do recommend that the child be walking to participate. Come enjoy some quality time and help your Toddling Toucan learn how to soar!

Bumblebee Threes: 3 years

This class is where your little bumblebee can learn basic skills for the different areas of the gym without their parent's help. On the floor they will learn cartwheels, handstands, front and back rolls.  On the balance beam they will learn to walk and balance on the beam and perform scales and squats. On the bars, they will swing, do leg lifts, pull ups, and pull overs. They will also learn to use the springboard that is regularly used for the vault. Reinforcement of safety keeps these Buzzing Bees safer at home, school and on the playground. There are exciting challenges that await them. Attempts are rewarded and mistakes are seen for what they are (an okay normal piece of the learning puzzle).


Froggy Fours: 4 years

This is a class where your growing froggy can learn basic skills for the different areas of the gym on special tot-sized equipment without their parent's help. They will learn cartwheels, handstands, front and back rolls on the floor.  On the bars, they will swing, do leg lifts, pull ups, and pull overs. They will also learn to use the springboard that is regularly used for the vault. Finally, on the balance beam they will learn to walk and balance on the beam while doing scales and squats and turns. Their bodies are getting stronger and their social skills are being tested. They learn that challenges are FUN! We focus on our Froggies learning how to progress and preparing them with skill and safety for their jump into the full-sized equipment in the Flying Fives class!


School Age Recreational: 5 -18 year olds

45 minutes class

The Recreational Gymnastics Girls Program is based on the developmental curriculum of the USA Gymnastics program and starts at the Kindergarten level. From the beginner to the advanced, we have it all! We start with the basics in order to lay a good, solid foundation to build upon. We teach more than just gymnastics skills; skills that will carry our kids through life. Our program has 3 classes Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Flying Fives: 5 year olds only

This class is designed specifically for 5 year old beginners. We introduce students to body positions and the very basics of gymnastics on all four apparatus. We work Forward and Backward Rolls, teach Cartwheels, Handstands, basic Beam skills, and beginning level Bars skills.

Bronze Gymnastics: 6+ year olds

This class is designed for any beginner level gymnast. We introduce students to body positions and the very basics of gymnastics on all four apparatus. We work Forward and Backward Rolls, teach Cartwheels, Handstands, basic Beam skills, and beginning level Bars skills.

Silver Gymnastics: 6+ year olds - must have passed Bronze level to enroll

This class works on Cartwheels (both sides), Backward/Forward Rolls, Vault approach, and Spring board take-off. On Beam they work on different walks, jumps, and turns. On Bars students gain upper body and core strength needed for mastering the Pullover and upper level skills. The Silver level emphasizes correct body positions, strength, and flexibility.  

Gold Gymnastics: 6+ year olds - must have passed Silver level to enroll

Here we move things up a notch, still focusing on correct body positions and form. The main skills in this level are Cartwheels (both sides, straight legs, lunging), Round Off, Backhandspring drills, Handstands, Bridge Kickovers, Backbends, Pullovers, correct Vaulting approach & technique, different walks, turns, and jumps on Beam. This class will also include strength and flexibility.

Preteam: by invitation only 

* Must attend 2 days per week

The Pre-Team was designed for those gymnasts that demonstrate the potential to compete on our Competitive Team. Gymnasts on the Rec Team will train the same skills and routines as the gymnasts on our competitive team. All Pre-Team members will be evaluted yearly to decide if they will be invited to the competitive team tryouts, remain on Pre-Team, or return to the recreational gymnastics classes.

Tumbling: 7-18 year olds

45 minute class

Tumbling classes are great for boys and girls who want to learn tumbling passes, cartwheels, round-offs, backhandsprings and not work on the gymnastics equipment.  This program is ideal for girls who want to try-out for cheerleading or who already are on a cheerleading team.  

Beginning Tumbling: 7+ year olds - tumblers younger than 7 must be evaluated

This class is designed for the beginner level tumbler. The focus of this class is to develop the basic level skills such as cartwheels, handstands, roll, kickovers, and more. 

Advanced Tumbling: 7+ year olds - tumblers must have based Beginning tumbling to enroll

This class is designed for intermediate and advanced level tumblers. The focus of this class is to build up the basic level skills and train on the following type of skills: Back Handsprings, Round Off Backhandsprings, Tucks, Layouts, Twisting.

Competitive Team: 5 years - 18, USAG Level 2-10 (Sanctioned)

ESA's Philosophy 

  • To build self- confidence through the sport of gymnastics.

  • To teach the sport in a safe environment.

  • To provide the physical and mental discipline needed for competition by using positive reinforcement and encouragement.

  • To provide an opportunity for the gymnasts to achieve their dreams. We will contribute our energy, knowledge, and experience to help your daughter achieve her goals. For some, it may be level 5, college, elite, or national team. Our goal is to develop all the potential within your daughter.

  • To use gymnastics as a tool to help gymnasts with life skills. There is more to gymnastics than flipping, kipping, and twisting. Developing skills such as perseverance, sense of accomplishment in one’s abilities, sportsmanship, goal-setting, and respect is part of our mission.

  • To have fun while accomplishing everything stated above.





Tryouts for the Competitive Team are at the conclusion of the competitive season. Invitations for ESA class members usually are given out in May. Athletes from other clubs should contact ESA for information. 


Telisa Brown
Level 9 

BARS-8.95 11TH


Noell Resil
Level 9 

BARS-9.375 5TH
BEAM-9.25 6TH


Both were invited to training camps at the National Team Training Center

Come visit us and check out all the fun!










4:30 PM-8:00 PM

9:00 AM-12:00 PM

4:30 PM-8:00 PM

9:00 AM-12:00 PM

4:30 PM-8:00 PM

4:30 PM-8:00 PM

9:00 AM-12:00 PM                   

Directions from the South:

From State Road 2 head North. Cross over the rail road tracks. Our facility is the building on the right, inside the fence, surrounded by the Invaders soccer fields. 

55200 Pine Road

South Bend, IN 46628

55200 Pine Road

South Bend, IN 46628

Directions from the North:

From State Road 20 head South. Go thru the stop sign at Edison Road. Our facility is the building on the left, inside the fence, surrounded  by the Invaders soccer fields.

Tel: 574-234-7019

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